My "Century Quilt"

The suitcase collecting dust in the basement,

Full of scratches from different journeys.

Why does looking at it bring me enjoyment?

Maybe it is the best story of the century. 

As I read through the century quilt during that discussion, we talked a lot about how the century quilt represented the history of the different family heritage. The quilt is a perfect representation of how each member was sewed together with another to form a complete whole. Personally, I don't think I have travelled a lot in my life but I still think I have been to a decent amount of places. Well other than my passport what can be something that represents my journey in this world. Of course the perfect thing is that old worn-out suitcase that we should've thrown out ages ago. Thankfully though, we kept it in our basement just in case. It has so many different stickers on it from the places we have been and countless scratches on its outside that are from the poor handling of it from airport workers or myself. I can remember almost how every scratch was made. One time a worker dropped it in Hong Kong, another time it slid across the floor because I was running too fast and it fell out of my hand. So many good and bad memories concentrated on something that seems old and dusty. Honestly I feel a hint of sadness when thinking back about my journey in this world. So many great moments and obstacles; So many people I have met along the way.... I seriously hope that when this quarantine is over I can continue my journey. But did my journey really stop during quarantine though? I don't know. If I count personal growth as a part of my journey then yes quarantine was a huge part of my journey. The things that I have learned during this one year is priceless. Even though there were no new scratches or stickers on that old suitcase, I feel as though I have been through so much. I don't know how I feel about it but I just hope that as my journey continues I have a record of it so I can look back and remember what I learned along the way. 


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