Are men really unmarked?

In Tannen's article "There Is No Unmarked Women", the author argues that men can make unmarked choices while women cannot make a choice without telling others about their personalities or other features. I think that the second part of that argument is correct because women tend to spend more time to get ready so they can accurately represent themselves in the appropriate clothes, makeup, etc. However, the first part of the argument made me wonder if there is really an unmarked case for males. In the passage, the author viewed the men's clothing and hairstyle as usual and unmarked in the conference room; they all wore similar clothes and shoes while the women wore very different outfits. I believe that this viewpoint is created because the author is a woman and she is viewing the women's outfits as an insider while viewing the men's outfits as an outsider. 

When the author looks at the women's outfits, she was able to recognize the different styles of clothes and what it represents (the woman's personality, marriage status, etc). However, she viewed the men's clothes and hairstyles as similar and do not express anything about themselves. The reason she cannot find any uniqueness in the men's outfits is that she is unfamiliar with the reasons that men have when choosing outfits. For example, she talks about how men's hairstyles are simple, unoriginal, and unmarked, but from a male's perspective, even a simple hairstyle can express something about that person. When a male put gel in his hair, he wants to look good or professional. When a male wears a dark-colored suit, they want to look mature and business-like. When a male has a big bald spot or is fully bald, he is probably in his 40s or 50s and has wife and kids. When a male wears a bright-colored suit, they are probably like Gatsby and trying the grab the attention of women. We can see here that from a male's perspective, the styles described as "unmarked" in the article still tell a story but only to those familiar with the men's styles and choices. 

Nowadays, the views expressed by Tannen is the article are not really applicable because of the drastic changes that happened to both women and men's styles. Both genders are more familiar with each other's styles, and therefore, are able to guess the reasons behind an outfit or hairstyle. In Troy High, for example, females can look at a male and say "Oh he's a nerd" or "Oh he's a jock", and males can look at a female and say"Oh she's trying to show off" or " Oh she's basic". There is no unmarked case in today's society, each choice, no matter how normal it looks, can tell others a story about a person. 


  1. I like how you went against Tannen's thinking and put a different perspective to it defending your side. I think that you are right when it comes to the uniqueness within boys, which others may overlook, If a man wears a pink suit vs a dark blue one, its can drastically change our opinion. I like that you stick to your point and really bring out that everyone has their uniqueness in their own way despite stereotypes all the time!


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