Another Ritual

In the article "Body Rituals among the Nacirema", the author makes fun of Americans' use of medicine and bathrooms by describing it as a "body rituals" of a native tribe. It also shows how some of the things that people do don't really make sense when looked at from out of context. The article really made me wonder what other "normal" things are actually useless and weird when out of context. After thinking about it, I was able to come up with a familiar example, and I think it should be described in the same way Miner did. A long time ago, an interesting tribe was created on Earth, they were spread out into every corner of the world but no one knows about them. They have many unusual traditions that they don't notice themselves. Most of the times, these traditions are harmless or insignificant, but one of those traditions have changed the way they think about appearance since they were kids. This ritual usually starts on the third birthday ...