What is true diversity?

In the book "Song of Soloman", Morrison introduces to us many relationships that Milkman dead has: his friendship with Guitar, his girlfriend Hagar, and his relationship with his family. However, those relationships seem to be really weak and meaningless. He broke up with Hagar, doesn't really care about his family, views Pilate as an outsider of his family, and gets into arguments with Guitar easily. Morrison also constantly puts big gaps of time in the story to make Milkson's life look fast and meaningless. This also shows how Milkman thinks that he does not belong in his community and refuses to identify as his own race. 

After hearing Macon Dead's story about Ruth and his father, Milkman walks out on the streets and notice that everyone is going the opposite direction as him. When Milkman and Guitar argues, he refuses to live in Alabama and help other African Americans to fight for civil rights. These examples both show how Milkman does not think that he should be a part of this community and his race. Milkman thinks that he is better than everyone there because of his rich and educated family that he does not really connect to. These thoughts made me wonder if Milkman is really proud of being an African American because he distances himself from people his own race. This transracial thinking is also happening all over the world right now. Many 2nd generation immigrants are choosing to identify as another race/ethnicity despite their actual race/ethnicity. They want to stay as far away from their actual race/ethnicity for minimal reasoning. The only reason I can think of is that the first generation immigrants were escaping violence or poverty and educated their kids to hate their own race/ethnicity. The education causes 2nd generations to think that by throwing away and sometimes ridiculing their own original unique identity they can fit in better with their communities. However, I believe that is false. Even if you talk or act a certain way does not change the color of your skin or the unique features that you have. It does not make you fit in better with others but instead makes you look disrespectful and arrogant. I believe that people that are proud of their unique identities are the ones who will be at the top of the social ladder and influence others. Examples of these people can be seen throughout history; MLK is proud of being an African American and influenced others to think the same way he does and fight for civil rights.

Many communities today are being branded as "diverse". I think that while they do have many races of people in them, there is no exchange of culture but instead the assimilation of cultures. To achieve true diversity, everyone needs to be proud of their original identity to preserve and spread their own cultures.


  1. Oh man! I can so relate. I have stayed long term in 4 countries. The longest in India and I am Indian citizen. Followed by America. My opinion of India is way different than the 2nd generation immigrants that I often see or ones that moved when they were very young. I accept that India’s clean or maybe the schools aren’t that good. But what does that mean really. It is kind of superficial. People often comment without experiencing. In India, everyone said that everyone in America is rich or something. But, now, I know the truth. Learn about your identity and learn about something before talking about it.


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