Special Treatment for Immigrants

This week we started the book clubs and I was assigned "The Leavers". The story is based around an Asian American family that was separated multiple times. As I read through the book, I noticed that each character is always involved in 2 or 3 time periods; each chapter jumps between those time periods which makes the start of chapters more interesting. So for my note page, I decided to focus on individual characters and how they were affected or involved in different time periods. I wrote down many characteristics that each character shows throughout the story such as Deming's resistance to the white culture during his childhood, Angel, Jim, and Elaine's ignorance of other cultures, Polly's love for Deming. Interestingly, the more I wrote about the Chinese characters the more I understood their thoughts because I have experienced some similar things. For example, there was a passage that described the return of Jing from the US that actually represented what the...