Puzzle Paragraph Time
After discussing the eminent domain and the racial issues such as housing discrimination in A Raisin In the Sun, I think that they are actually connected to each other. When there is segregated housing in a society, everyone is split off by racial, ethnic or class. Because of this separation, one community is visibly poorer or richer than the others. Today we can see this type of wealth inequality in many states such as the one between Clawson and Troy school district. Once upon a time , both districts had somewhat equal educational rankings and similar grades, however with the influx of new racial groups and different people from different social classes -- which began after the global expansion of the auto industries in Michigan -- the two districts started to become more and more different. As newcomers move into an area, others with similar races, classes or ethnicities tend to also move there with them. This caused more and more people to move into Troy and greatly increased the...