Nobody likes to start over, but sometimes life just accidentally presses your restart button whether you wanted it or not. Everyone has started over before, whether it's washing your clothes and dropping food on it immediately, reading an article for a class and finding out that you read the wrong one, or, like me, not saving the entire essay after 1-2 hours of hard work and continuous typing. Starting over is probably one of the worst feelings that every person has experienced multiple times in their lives. After restarting the process, you get so depressed over how good you did and how you just wasted a couple hours of your time to achieve nothing at all. You feel demotivated to do it again because you think it will be so boring and too much work. This is exactly what I felt after I opened my Microsoft Word and found out the entire essay was gone. Starting over is soo much harder than starting up. When I do something for the first time, there is some sort of excitement that I g...